General Contracts and consulting

This unit expands beyond the core oil and gas operations by providing consulting services and engaging in general contracting across diverse sectors. It includes:

  • Consultation Services: Offering expert advisory services in the oil and gas sector, with a focus on energy infrastructure development, project management, and technical consulting.

  • General Contracts: Handling large-scale projects, procurement, and construction management across industries, including energy, infrastructure, and other related sectors.

  • Trading & Merchandise: Engaging in the marketing, sales, and distribution of general goods and services, acting as a representative for manufacturers and suppliers across various industries.

Products & Services

  • Security surveilance, smart door locks, solar panel and inverter installation, and more services.

  • Sale of household items and distribution of water and drinks.

  • Energyshelf Ltd engages in marketing, sales and distribution of Mangal Cement and other building materials.

  • Energyshelf engages in promotion and sale of electric vehicles and is in the process of setting up charging dock stations for electric vehicles in Abuja Nigeria.

Take a minute to see some of our products.

computer engineers and network equipment store

supply of computers, printers, Network and office stationaries

Solar Panel Installed on a roof top

building automation, Installation and maintenance of Solar Equipments

CEMENT and building materials supply/DISTRIBUTION

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